Prosecco N Prose | A Book Club
Prosecco N Prose is a monthly virtual book club. Literature is lit with entertaining English teachers Wendy and Amy as they dive deep while deconstructing prose and downing Prosecco. We talk all things book club and then some. We'd love feedback and always take into consideration requests.
Prosecco N Prose | A Book Club
Season 7 Prologue
Wendy and Amy are kicking off another season of books and bubbly! This season we'll be talking about banned books and pairing them with some bubbly cocktails. We've got everything we'll be reading and drinking here in the Prologue. Pop a cork to Season 7, banned books, banned booze!
Ingredients for Today's Cocktail Pairing:
from Prosecco is Always the Answer by Summersdale Publishing
10.5 oz. rhubarb, trimmed and finely chopped
2.5 oz. sugar
1 bottle of chilled prosecco (We use Costco's Kirkland brand)
Season 7 Lineup:
- JAN - Prologue | Rhubarb Bellini
- FEB - Toni Morrison's Bluest Eye | Cherry Pop Prosecco Cocktail
- MAR - J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye | D'artagnan
- APR - J. Asher's 13 Reasons Why | Black Velvet
- MAY - George M. Johnson's All Boys Aren't Blue | Prosecco Cobbler
- JUN - Katherine Paterson's Bridge to Terabithia | Sloe Gin & Blackberry Sparkle
- JUL - Patricia McCormick's Sold | Frozen Lemon Fizzer
- AUG - Angie Thomas' The Hate You Give | Watermelon Prosecco Cocktail
- SEP - Judy Blume's Forever | Maple Fizz
- OCT - Ellen Hopkins' Tricks | Peachy Prosecco Cocktail
- NOV - John Green's Looking for Alaska | Spiced Pear Prosecco
- DEC - Epilogue | Ginger & Lime Sparkler
Links from Show:
- Prosecco is Always the Answer from Summersdale Publishers
- New mics: Shure SM57
- Timeline of book banning on the Freedom to Read website
- American Library Association List of Banned and Challenged Books
- Discussion questions for banned books